Jul 12, 2008


Es te tā domāju un izdomāju. Sen nekas nav kolekcionēts. Pastkartes jau sen ir kļuvušas par vēsturi, palikdamas Latvijā uz augšējā plaukta. Citam nekam nepieķēros - materiālu lietu kolekcionēšana tomēr ir apgrūtinoša, un manai kāmja dvēselei (kura tāpat neko ārā nav spējīga izmest) tas nav veselīgi.
Ir laiks sākt virtuālo kolekciju. Pielāgoties laikmetam, tā teikt.
Es gribu vākt kopā atradumus. Visko tādu, kas ir atrasts materiālajā un nemateriālajā pasaulē, ko esmu ieraudzījusi, kas man ir piespēlēts, kas ir nokritis no debesīm, kas uzradies ceļa vidū. Visko tādu, ko negribētos pazaudēt un aizmirst.
Tad nu lūk. Mani ATRADUMI.

I was sitting (at the window, at the window...:)) and thinking. It has been a while since I have collected something. Made a collection of stuff of one kind, like our grandpas used to collect stamps or cigar boxes. My collection of postcards has been left on the upper shelf in Latvia, and somehow it feels that it is hard to collect material things, and it is not very health for my hamster soul (which wants to keep all the possible stuff I have anyway).
But it is a good time to start a virtual collection.
I want to gather together my discoveries. The stuff I have found in material and nonmaterial world, stuff I have seen and came across with, stuff that have fallen down from sky or have showed up in the very middle of my road.
Stuff I wouldn't want to loose or forget.

And so. Here it goes.
Proud to present. My DISCOVERIES.

3 tuneļi Briselē, dzelzceļa stacijas rajonā. Visas sienas ar grafiti, komiksīgām un visādi citādi samudžinātām gleznām. satriecoši smuki, un satriecoši spēcīgi. ar messidžu, tā teikt. Paskatieties, ja sanāk. Uz vienas no bildēm ir ielas nosaukums, atrast nav pārāk grūti.
3 tunnels in Brussels that I came across with last week. All the walls are with large scale graffiti style paintings. Fabulously beautiful, and fabulously powerful as well. check them out, if you have a chance. there is a name of the street on one of the pictures, it is not so hard to find that place.