Sep 6, 2008

attaisnojumi attaisnojumi/ excuses excuses

iemesli, kādēļ šeit kaut kas jēdzīgs parādās tik reti (ak, piedod, dārgo uzticamo lasītāj):
1) slinkums
2) man arvien biežāk un biežāk liekas, ka man nav ko teikt. ko gan es, tāds divdesmit trīs gadīgs ķipars, tev varu jaunu pateikt? ka pasaule šķērsām sagājusi? ka katram mākonim zelta maliņa? ka tam, ka ktru dienu no bada mirst n-tie simti bērnu, cēlonis ir nevis tas, ka nepietiek pārtikas, bet gan tas, ka pārtika nav vienlīdzīgi sadalīta? ne taču. es labāk aiziešu palasīt Koplendu un pašausmināties, kā viens cilvēks, kurš dzīvo tūkstošiem kilometru attālumā un kura personīga piesaiste man nav pat tik cik melns aiz naga, var perfekti vārds vārdā aprakstīt manu domu ikdienišķo gājumu un saturu. kaut kāds medžik. kaut kāds wireless.
3) pārāk daudz man tās datora klātbūntes dzīvē. šitā kaste lēnām nozog manu dvēseli.

bet kaut kad jau man atkal būs ko pavēstīt šai virtuālajai pasaulei. tad es klauvēšu pie tavām durvīm un teikšu: "ei, dūd, ejam ārā paslēpēs spēlēties!"

reasons why there is not so much to read here lately (oh sorry my dear and faithful reader):
1) laziness
2) more and more lately it feels that I have nothing to say. what can I, twenty three year little one, tell you? that the world out there IS totally screwed up? or that every cloud has its silver lining? or that the reason for hudreds of kids dying of poverty each day is not a matter of not enough food for everyone but of food not being divided and distributed fair and equally? not really. so. i will rather go and read Coupland (I'm right about to be done with Gum Thief and starting with Eleonor Rigby). then i'll be able to spend my time wondering how a person who lives in another continent and has nothing to do with me can describe the daily content of my mind so precisely. some kind of magic or what. one of those wireless that you cant really get where does it come from and what the heck.
3) too much of the presence of my dear laptop in my life. it literally sucks my souls out of me. (ha, soon i will be soul-less. that would be fun. no, actually it wouldnt). oh sigh.

but at some point soon I will try to focus on this virtual made up world again. on that day i will knock on your door and say: "hey, dude, lets go outside and play some hide and seek."
and your better have your raincoat ready:)