Oct 7, 2008

it's been a week

realitāte ir dīvains jēdziens. tāpat kā patiesība - stiepjams uz visām pusēm, lai gan pēc jēgas un būtības tai vajadzētu būt vienai. aha, ka tik ne arī! katrs jau to deķīti uz savu pusi. bet laikam jau kaut kā taisnība vien ir, ka tava realitāte sākas tavā galvā un sirdī. jo riņķī apkārt jau var atrast visu ko. gribi depresiju - lūdzu! viens no augstākajiem pašnāvību reitingiem eiropā (to pašu gan saka arī norvēģija, somija un islande) + vairāk kā puse no valsts iedzīvotājiem dzīvo zem iztikas minimuma, kas ir apmēram 150Ls ienākumi mēnesī uz vienu cilvēku laikā, kad piens maksā gandrīz latu + vakari gaišāki nekļūst + valdību ar Godmani priekšgalā gribās vnk nolikt visus pie sienas un apliet ar eļļas krāsu.
bet tad ir arī tās citas puses. un tu vari izvēlēties likt savas sirds skatlogā un pleilistē tās. rudeni ar visu to satriecošo skaistumu, krītošajām lapām un pēclietus smaržu. pilsētas dinamiskumu un interesantumu, un to, cik daudz detaļu ir uz katras ielas un katra stūra, un ir tik aizraujoši tās visas likt kopā galvā un pēctam izjaukt, un katru dienu no jauna radīt pašam savu personīgo kaleidoskopu. draugi, kuri man vnk korķus sit ārā - tās ir tās nerūsējošās tērauda draudzības, un kurām nav derīguma termiņa un beigu datuma, kuras ir izgājušas pietiekami daudz sūru un grūtu līmeņu, un tagad ir ieguvušas imunitāti pret laika radīto atsvešinātību.
ir tik daudz iespēju izvēlēties ieraudzīt labo un gaišo, un to, kas iepriecina.
un, pat ja tas viss liekas par grūtu, tu vari izvēlēties izmantot savu pēdējo brīvību - izvēlēties, kā tu skaties uz to, kas notiek tev apkārt. un to neviens tev nespēs atņemt.

es nesen Īdenai (apbrīnojami jauka meitene no Nešvilas, kura fotogrāfēja Lines un Lensa kāzas) stāstīju, ka es parasti esmu sajūsmā par lietām apmēram 3 reizes gadā.
Liekas, ka šis ir bijis un vēljoprojām būs labs gads. Un ka mana sajūsmas kvota tiks palielināta līdz 4.

un tad jau kā Kaupers - welcome to my country. here you cant go wrong.
priekā! par un ar atgriešanos.

relaity is a weird concept, along with the truth - you can stretch both of them any way you want, and no one can say that you are wrong. at least today, when we live in a world where you are right if it works for you. and it is a twisted thought, but I somehow agree that reality is subjective in a way. and that your reality starts in your head and heart, because there will always be anythying and everything around you, and you will find what you are looking for.
for instance - you want depression? (I know that its not that people intentionally want to live in a depression but sometimes it seems that some of them are almost enjoying the misery they are in coz then they can blame everything but themselves) here you go! we have one of the biggest suicide rates in Europe (although Norway and Finland and Iceland claim to have the same) + more than half of the people in here are not earning more than 300$ a month (and a liter of milk here costs like 2$ or smth) + I have a irresistable desire to put all the government with the prime minister himself in front of me and pour a ton of oil paint on them.
but then there are those other sides and angles as well. and you can choose to put those ones on the playlist of your heart. you can choose to see the beautiful fall over here with all its leaves and colors, and wind that turns everything upside down in such a lovely way that you cant resist to forgive that it has made a mess out of your hair. you can choose to almost appreciate all the interesting details in the city, and dynamic the city has, and how it all fits together is this chaotic yet exciting way, creating your personal city kaleidoscope. you can choose to see the value of those stainless and rustproof friendships you have in your life, the ones without any expiry dates or deadlines, the ones that have gone through so many tough and challenging levels that they have gained some kind of imunity against time and distances.
there are so many possibilities for you to choose the good and beautiful.
and, if that feels too hard and impossible, you can still excercise your last freedom - the reedom to choose your attitude towards what is going around you. and that is a thing no one can take away from you.

a while ago I was telling to Eden (an awesome girl from Nashwille who was shoting the wedding of Line and Lance) that I get excited about 3 times a year. well, it seems that this is going to be a good year, so maybe I will make it to 4.

so, here, this is how the good old song goes - "welcome to my country, here you cant go wrong..."
cheers! for coming back.