Nov 2, 2008

saka, ka domāšana ir visai bīstama padarīšana/ they say that thinking is a dangerous business

Ikdienai ir viens trūkums.
Tā ir ikdienišķa.
Un vēl trakāk ir, ja sāk likties, ka tavi miljons mazie sīkumi par to, ka tu šodien "Narvesenā" redzēji džeku, kurš bija akurāt uz mata līdzīgs Džonijam Depam, vai par to, ka šodien tu oficiāli atklāji mandarīnu ēšanas sezonu... nu, ka tas kādu interesē.
Laikam jau dalītās informācijas apjoms un intensitāte ir proporcionāla kopābūšanas apjomam un intensitātei. Tas, cik ļoti tevi interesē sīkumi par otru cilvēku, mazās domas un notikumi, ir savā ziņā cieši saistīts ar to, cik ļoti, bieži, daudz vai nedaudz tu esi klātesošs viņa dzīvē.
Piemēram, ar cilvēku, kuru satiec 2x gadā "uz kafiju", tu runā par to, ka - "hei, vasarā strādāju Dānijā, bija kruti, ā, pirms tam biju Grenlandē... nē, piedod, bildes nav līdzi šoreiz, bet es salikšu "draugos", ja? un ko tu? turpat vēl strādā?..."
savukārt ar kādu, kuru tu satiec +/- katru nedēļu, izvēršas pavisam citas kvalitātes informācijas apmaiņa, kura ir daudz personīgāka un detalizētāka, un ieinteresētāka - "mmm, jā, es tieši vakar par to domāju, kā mēs to un šito un vēl kaut ko, un es iedomājos par tevi, kā tu man pagājušajā nedēļā teici... starp citu, kā tev otrdien gāja tajā ballītē ar tavu priekšnieku? nebija tik traki?"
un tad... tad ir tie, kuri piezvanot, prasa nevis to, kā tev iet, bet gan - kā tev šodien gāja. viņi uzdod arī jautājumus par to, kā tu jūties, un jūs varat 15 minūtes no vietas apspriest tavu šīs dienas sarunu ar kaimiņiem, vai arī varat nedarīt vienkārši neko, un pat tas būs vērtīgi pavadīts laiks. un jūs kaut kā maģiski un nemanāmi zinat par otra lielajiem notikumiem un mazajiem arī, un tikt līdz dziļumam un smalkumam, un niansēm, un sirds wireless ir tāds kā... neparasti viegls un patīkams process.

man pietrūkst to pēdējo.
un draudzības, kas ir klātesoša 24/7 gan tad, kad ir labi, gan tad, kad ir slikti, gan tad, kad nav nekā.

the ordinary has one flaw.
its ordinary.
and it is even more insane to think that someone is actually interested in your daily ordinary businesses. things like - hey, i saw this guy today who totally looked like Johny Depp! or - hey, today i officially launched my mandarin eating season! phhh. no one really gives a crap. and to be honest i dont blame them. why should they.
i guess the infromation you share and exchange with others directly depends on how much time you spend with them. The amount of interest you have in other person's life details, small thoughts and wonderings is directly linked to how much and often you are present in his/her life.
think about it.
for instance.
with a person that you meet twice a year "over a coffie", you will talk about something like - "yeah well i worked in denmark during the summer, well, it was fun and all but now i'm here trying to figure things out. no, sorry, i didnt take any pictures, but i will but them on the facebook soon...and what about you? still working at the same old place?..." facts facts facts. one after another. facts about your life and events and places, the less personal it is, the safer you feel.
another case - someone you meet more or less eveyr week. its a different story eh? the quality of information you share is different, or at least - the level of how personal it is and how you can link it to thoughts and ideas not just facts. "mmm, yeah, i was talking yesterday with this guy about this, this and this, and it reminded me about what you said last week... by the way, how did it go in that party with your colleagues and boss? was it as bad as you thought it would be?"
and then there are those one of the kind friends. the ones who instead of asking "how r u?" ask "how did it go today?". or they ask about how you feel, or what you are thinking about, or they dont ask anything at all and for 15min you just talk about your conversation with your neighbor the other day and how bizarre it was. or you do nothing at all, just hang out, and its the most cozy thing ever. and somehow, in this magic and unvisible way, you already know about other's big deals and small things. and it just happens that get to this depth and details and thoughts and wireless of the heart is a process as short as 3 blinks of an eye.

i miss those last ones.
those friendships that are just there 24/7 in good times and bad times and times when you feel like one big nothing.