Nov 6, 2008

vakar nonācu pie secinājuma.
ka ja man šobrīsd būtu sevi ar kaut ko jāsalīdzina.
tad man liekas, ka es emsu trigonometrisks vienādojums.
kuru es pati nespēju atrisināt.
ar n-tajiem nezināmajiem.
un risināšanas procesu, kas ne tuvu nav pie beigām, un ilgs mūžīgi.
diez ko cerīga jau tā situācija nav.

ir brīva mana personīgā Pitagora vakance. man vajag dabūt to formulu, kas ļautu dzīvot vieglāk.

yesterday i came to conclusion.
that if i would have to compare my self to something.
it would be a trigonometric equation (i dont even know how you guys put those two words together in english).
and the worst thing is.
that i am the kind of equation no one is really able to solve.
and the process of figuring it out is far from the end, and i am afraid it will last a lifetime and even more.
the situation is not very hopeful.
i've always thought hugh school math was a bit useless.
dang i was wrong.

i am looking for my personal Pythagoras. I need that theorem that would make my life easier.