May 2, 2009


quote of the month: "you could be a part time model but you would still have to keep your normal job" by "flights of the conchords" season 1 ep 1

tv show of the month: flights of the conchords

hike of the month: the one to cerro cathedral during the easter

bird of the month: condor

coffee of the month (and of the year so far): th one on the early morning somewhere between bariloche and rio gallegos, in the bus station's cafeteria

excitement of the month: getting to climb the boulders on our way back from cerro catedral

the quiet wish of the month: to see some penguins in ushuaia

accomplishment of the month: managing to walk 35km on one day

trees of the month: arrayanes

"the-thing-off-my-neck" of the month: finished and sent in that BS article. i was so so so sick of it.