hmm. tik dīvaini, kad pavisam negaidīti tavā realitātē izlec pagātne. tāda it kā bezpersoniska un distancēta, pietiekami, lai nevajadzētu saņemt visu drosmi un skatīties acīs. bet tādos brīžos es ieraugu, ka esmu veidota no miljons mirkļiem, cilvēkiem, vietām un notikumiem. es neesmu tikai šeit un tagad. es neesmu tikai tas, ko gribu atcerēties.
jā, man ir daudzas atvilknes, kurām virsu ar lieliem melniem burtiem uzrakstīts: "netaisīt vaļā". bet tas nenozīmē, ka kādu dienu, pārvācoties, man nevajadzēs visu plēst vaļā un šķirot.
tas nenozīmē, ka tas nav bijis.
tāpēc - uzvelkam karogu mastā un burājam tālāk, brāļi un māsas! jūras pietiks visiem, un mani gaida jauni krasti.
p.s. es šodien cepu piparkūkas. bilde gan ir apmēram 2 gadus veca, bet... stāsts šogad ir par to pašu. ciku caku briedīšiem un ska zaķiem.
hmmm. it's such a strange feeling when all of a sudden your past pops up right ehre in your today's reality. a distant and impersonal enough not to feel forced to take all your courage and look it in the eyes. but close enough to make you wonder. in times like this i realize that that i've been made of millions of moments, people, places and events. i am not only "here and now". i am not just what i want to remember.
i do have indeed a lot of those drawers that are locked and labeled "DO NOT OPEN". but it doesnt mean that one day, when i will be moving, i wont have to open them all and go through everything i have stored up there.
it doesnt mean that it didnt happen.
therefore - hoist the flag, my dear sisters and brothers! there is enough of the sea for everyone, and those new shores are just waiting for me.
p.s. i was making gingerbread cookies today. the picture is from about 2 years ago but the story is still the same. story about decorated raindeers and ska-colored rabbits.
jā, man ir daudzas atvilknes, kurām virsu ar lieliem melniem burtiem uzrakstīts: "netaisīt vaļā". bet tas nenozīmē, ka kādu dienu, pārvācoties, man nevajadzēs visu plēst vaļā un šķirot.
tas nenozīmē, ka tas nav bijis.
tāpēc - uzvelkam karogu mastā un burājam tālāk, brāļi un māsas! jūras pietiks visiem, un mani gaida jauni krasti.
p.s. es šodien cepu piparkūkas. bilde gan ir apmēram 2 gadus veca, bet... stāsts šogad ir par to pašu. ciku caku briedīšiem un ska zaķiem.
hmmm. it's such a strange feeling when all of a sudden your past pops up right ehre in your today's reality. a distant and impersonal enough not to feel forced to take all your courage and look it in the eyes. but close enough to make you wonder. in times like this i realize that that i've been made of millions of moments, people, places and events. i am not only "here and now". i am not just what i want to remember.
i do have indeed a lot of those drawers that are locked and labeled "DO NOT OPEN". but it doesnt mean that one day, when i will be moving, i wont have to open them all and go through everything i have stored up there.
it doesnt mean that it didnt happen.
therefore - hoist the flag, my dear sisters and brothers! there is enough of the sea for everyone, and those new shores are just waiting for me.
p.s. i was making gingerbread cookies today. the picture is from about 2 years ago but the story is still the same. story about decorated raindeers and ska-colored rabbits.